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https://youtu.be/Z_MGu2VJnZEFrag best your roommates or an acquaintance or acquaintance to see if they can photograph you.
Light is crucial for the application photo. Natural daylight is ideal for application photos. That's why you should choose a sunny day for the shoot.
It is best to choose a place with an empty wall and a large window.Background is replaced by our Picgurus, but it would still make sense that the background is as uniform as possible.
Stand in front of the wall. Alternatively, you can stand with your back to the room.
If you want to take the photo outside, choose a place with as uniform a background as possible.Preferably in the shade.
Now it's time to get started!
To take a photo with a mobile phone or DSLR:
Have no one there who can take photos for you – so you can take a good application photo with mobile phone or DSLR:
This is how to pose for the application picture:
Clean outfit, like in a job interview
Uniform background, preferably without lines or patterns
natural light (daylight)
stand slightly to the side
Face straight to the camera
Camera must be kept at eye level
Group pictures
too little light
light directly in the face
"Passport photo" posture – body and head Straight into the camera
too colorful clothes
too much make-up